Teenage girl awarded £180k for crash ‘life-changing’ injuries

Lung Disease

25 January 2019

A girl who suffered “life-changing” head and facial injuries in a road collision is to receive £180,000 damages, a High Court judge has ruled.

The 16-year-old, who cannot be identified, was a rear seat passenger in a car being driven by her father at a location in Co Fermanagh in 2008.

They were travelling at an estimated 50mph when their vehicle collided head-on with another motorist.

Aged six at the time of the accident, the girl had been restrained in a baby seat.

She was struck by an item, believed to be the rear-view mirror, and rendered unconscious.

With liability admitted by the woman who was driving the other vehicle involved in the crash, proceedings centred on the level of compensation to be paid out.

The court heard the girl sustained significant facial scarring and disfigurement, as well as brain and psychiatric injuries.

She has pre-accident amnesia and only regained consciousness during her stay in hospital, which involved a period in intensive care.

Ruling on the overall damages to be awarded, Mr Justice Colton said: “I conclude that a global figure of £180,000 represents fair and reasonable compensation for the personal injuries the plaintiff has sustained.

“I take the view that these injuries represent significant life-changing injuries for the plaintiff in respect of which she is entitled to substantial compensation.”

Source: Belfast Telegraph

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