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Pages tagged "Process"
Runaway jury

Runaway jury

The proposed abolition of the legal right to trial by jury in High Court defamation proceedings strikes not just at an ancient legal right, but also at the concept of the participation of the public in the administration of justice, argues Mr Justice Bernard Barton.

Solicitor’s Fees in Ireland

Solicitor’s Fees in Ireland

Understanding the various ways solicitors charge their clients in claims cases in Ireland, including hourly rates, fixed fees, and conditional fees (with restrictions), is important for those seeking legal representation, and utilising the Irish Claims Board is an alternative to consider.

New Garda Compensation Act: Are Your Claims Safe?

New Garda Compensation Act: Are Your Claims Safe?

The Garda Siochana (Compensation) Act 2022 introduces significant changes to the Garda Compensation Scheme, including new application processes, time limits, and involvement of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board.

Equality of arms

Equality of arms

A High Court judge has taken aim at plaintiffs’ solicitors referring to medical consultants for the purpose of providing...