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Pages tagged "Process"
Arbitration Agreements in Ireland

Arbitration Agreements in Ireland

Arbitration in Ireland boasts a nuanced framework. This blog delves into its complexities, from arbitrability to enforceability concerns, drawing from legal texts and case law, offering a comprehensive understanding for professionals, businesses, and the curious alike. Join our exploration of Irish arbitration.

Pay Now, Argue Later: Unravelling the Townmore Judgement’s Impact on Irish AdjudicationsJudical review and statutory adjudication

Pay Now, Argue Later: Unravelling the Townmore Judgement’s Impact on Irish AdjudicationsJudical review and statutory adjudication

The recent “Townmore” judgement in Ireland sheds some light on the ongoing legal debate about the role of judicial reviews in statutory adjudications, emphasizing the “pay now, argue later” principle highlighted in the Construction Contracts Act 2013, and indicating that early judicial reviews could contradict the act’s intent of prompt payment, although the option for judicial review post the final decision on substantive disputes remains undetermined.

Transforming Personal Injury Resolution: PIAB’s New Framework

Transforming Personal Injury Resolution: PIAB’s New Framework

The Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB) has undergone a substantial overhaul, introducing mandatory medical reports, identification requirements, and detailed incident descriptions to expedite personal injury claim resolution as of September 4, 2023. These changes, along with measures already in place such as deemed offers of tender and extended claim retention, aim to reduce fraudulent claims, enhance efficiency, and ultimately lower costs for insurers.

New PIAB Legislation: What You Need to Know Now!

New PIAB Legislation: What You Need to Know Now!

Navigate the new PIAB legislation changes impacting personal injury claims with our comprehensive guide, and discover how the Irish Claims Board can provide a free assessment of your claim before formal submission.