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Pages tagged "Litigation"
7 Steps to take if you have a Road Traffic Accident

7 Steps to take if you have a Road Traffic Accident

You may have sustained serious injury and may not feel capable of attending to the steps outlined in this Post. If you cannot do so, then ask a loved one or a friend to assist you. These immediate steps are very important and will affect your Civil Claim for compensation in the long term.

Expert Witness excluded due to Conflict of Interest

Expert Witness excluded due to Conflict of Interest

The Supreme Court has ruled that an expert witness retained by a plaintiff in competition proceedings should be excluded from the case on the basis that he had previously provided advise to the defendant in separate proceedings.

Claimants need to be wary. Here’s why.

Claimants need to be wary. Here’s why.

In a recent case, defendants issued a costs differential letter to the plaintiff’s solicitors putting them on notice that if the plaintiff failed to achieve an award of damages within the High Court jurisdiction, the defendants would apply to have any award of costs made

What they don’t tell you about personal injury award figures

What they don’t tell you about personal injury award figures

Solicitors report a changed environment since the introduction of new guidelines on personal injuries but still express surprise at Government figures which show a 50 per cent reduction in the level awards just over eleven weeks after the new system came into force.

Vaginal Mesh Implants – Complications

Vaginal Mesh Implants – Complications

The majority of women are given vaginal mesh implants to treat prolapse or incontinence.
A growing number of women have had serious complications as a result of their vaginal mesh implants, and if you have been affected by vaginal mesh implants complications in Ireland, you can discuss your situation in strict confidence with a member of our medical negligence and defective products team.