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Pages tagged "Litigation"
Irish Court Rules Arbitration is for Everyone

Irish Court Rules Arbitration is for Everyone

The High Court recently addressed a case involving Michael Flatley and his insurers, Hiscox, over an arbitration clause in his insurance policy for his renovated mansion. The court assessed whether the clause was unfair to Mr Flatley as a consumer.

Court cuts €96k award for man’s injuries from truck rear-ending to €55k

Court cuts €96k award for man’s injuries from truck rear-ending to €55k

Last November, Ms Justice Carmel Stewart awarded him €96,758. The award included €75,000 in general damages in relation to a shoulder injury he suffered and the judge “uplifted”, or increased, this by €15,000 for additional injuries. A further €6,758 was awarded in special damages for him to obtain orthopaedic surgery.