Should I make a Claim?

If you or someone close to you – for example, a spouse, civil partner, parent or child – has suffered a loss or injury caused by the negligence of another party, it is worth considering your possible right to compensation.

Compensation can help you ensure that you receive sums for all your financial losses, expenses and suffering you have endured as a result of what happened.

It is important you speak with an expert before accepting any insurance company offer of compensation as such offers typically undervalue the extent of you losses. Find out more here. Talk to one of our specialists today for more information regarding your possible right to compensation.

The benefits of making a claim

There are numerous benefits to commencing a claim for compensation in these circumstances. These include the following:

  • Prevention of similar incidents – This is often the first thought of accident victims and the main reason many raise compensation claims. They are driven by the desire to ensure that lessons are learned from their experience and that employers, public services and the government take heed so that action is taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
  • Financial security – A personal injury or illness can have an enormous impact on victims and their loved ones. Worries about financial security will all too often add to the trauma associated with the physical and emotional damage victims suffer. A successful personal injury claim could help to remove this stress and make sure that you and your family receive essential financial provision in the fallout of an accident.
  • Justice – if you or a loved one has been injured it is only natural to want to make sure that justice is served on the person or organisation responsible. Whether the defendant is an employer, a road user or some other party, ensuring accountability is an essential function of the legal system.