News & Articles

Rylands v Fletcher

Rylands v Fletcher

Rylands employed contractors to build a reservoir, playing no active role in its construction. When the contractors discovered a series of old coal shafts improperly filled with debris, they chose to continue work rather than properly block them up.

7 Steps to take if you have a Road Traffic Accident

7 Steps to take if you have a Road Traffic Accident

You may have sustained serious injury and may not feel capable of attending to the steps outlined in this Post. If you cannot do so, then ask a loved one or a friend to assist you. These immediate steps are very important and will affect your Civil Claim for compensation in the long term.

Order for Possession: Warning Against “Legal Advice”

Order for Possession: Warning Against “Legal Advice”

The High Court has dismissed an appeal against a Circuit Court order for possession on the basis that the defendant’s case consisted of “wide-ranging” arguments that relied upon archaic legislation deemed to “make no sense as a matter of Irish law”. Background The...

Expert Witness excluded due to Conflict of Interest

Expert Witness excluded due to Conflict of Interest

The Supreme Court has ruled that an expert witness retained by a plaintiff in competition proceedings should be excluded from the case on the basis that he had previously provided advise to the defendant in separate proceedings.

Minor Approval: Change in Northern Ireland?

Minor Approval: Change in Northern Ireland?

Following a five-year campaign by personal injury lawyers and recommendations from Lord Justice Gillen’s review of civil justice in Northern Ireland in 2017, the Department of Justice has opened a consultation on mandatory court approval of children’s compensation claims.

Return to Work: Going legal “difficult” sick staff

Return to Work: Going legal “difficult” sick staff

Many of the State’s largest employers have said they plan to demand staff return to the office for at least part of the working week, while an employment law expert has warned it will be “very difficult” for employees who get sick to bring legal actions. The Cabinet...