News & Articles

Court cuts €96k award for man’s injuries from truck rear-ending to €55k

Court cuts €96k award for man’s injuries from truck rear-ending to €55k

Last November, Ms Justice Carmel Stewart awarded him €96,758. The award included €75,000 in general damages in relation to a shoulder injury he suffered and the judge “uplifted”, or increased, this by €15,000 for additional injuries. A further €6,758 was awarded in special damages for him to obtain orthopaedic surgery.

Personal Injury Guidelines Here to Stay

Personal Injury Guidelines Here to Stay

The eagerly awaited Supreme Court decision on Personal Injury Guidelines confirms their legal effect and binding nature. Learn more about the complex judgments here.

Insurance claimants shun PIRB, preferring to take cases to court

Insurance claimants shun PIRB, preferring to take cases to court

People making injury claims were less likely to go to the Personal Injuries Resolution Board (PIRB) and more inclined to go to court in 2022, according to a new report from the Central Bank. It found that 16pc of claimants settled directly with insurers, 10pc before...