Pursuant to Section 7 of the Courts and Civil Liability Act, 2004, the limitation period to pursue a medical negligence action has been reduced from 3 years to 2 years, from the date of knowledge of the medical misadventure event.
In short, as soon as you believe that you may have a medical negligence claim, instruct your solicitors immediately to represent your interests. Unfortunately, many persons are reticent to instruct their solicitors and as a consequence their claim becomes either time-barred, i.e., is lost, or alternatively they attend at their solicitors offices too late to enable their solicitors to obtain their medical records and a professional opinion in relation to the medical care delivered by the medical professionals and/or hospital concerned. You can make an online enquiry with us to see if you have a viable case.
Many persons who were the victims of medical negligence were unable to pursue valid claims because such claims had become statute barred.