Making a Claim

If you’re thinking about making a compensation claim, we know you might want to know a bit more about what’s involved.

While the process can vary depending on your case, we’ve outlined some of the main steps below to help you understand more about claiming.

If, after reading this, you’re still feeling unsure, you can get a free assessment of the viability of your claim by completing our online assessment form. without any pressure or obligation .

If you have incident or event was not entirely your fault, it is your legal right to claim compensation. Claiming compensation in Ireland is a relatively straightforward process; however any legal claim has the potential to become complicated and getting your full entitlement to compensation can be difficult without professional legal help.

Since claiming compensation in Ireland is a totally alien concept for many people, our experts will guide you through the procedures you need to fulfil to increase your compensation for claim’s chances of success. . You will no doubt have many questions about the legal processes in Ireland and, should you feel further advice is required, you are invited to take advantage of our free service to discuss claiming compensation in Ireland directly with an expert.