Japanese Knotweed Claims

Compensation For Japanese Knotweed Claims

Japanese Knotweed grows very fast. This plant can seriously damage your property and its value. The Environmental Agency in the United Kingdom describes Japanese Knotweed as one of the most destructive, invasive, and aggressive plants in the country today. If Japanese Knotweed is spreading on your property from someone else’s land, you can claim compensation.


  • Remove the plants in full
  • Repair the damages to your property
  • Make up for the lost market value of your property
  • A hassle-free process
  • You don’t have lengthy paperwork to complete
  • We will settle your claims quickly
  • Our team works on a no-win-no-fee basis (in Ireland).

We are your dedicated claims experts. Call us today to claim compensation for the damage done to your property due to Japanese Knotweed invading your property because of the negligence of another person. We at the Irish Claims Board, have some of the best experts in the country to get you the right amount of compensation for Japanese Knotweed claims in the UK and Ireland. All landowners are responsible for taking steps to prevent avoidable damage to neighbouring properties. Our highly qualified experts can help you get compensation for Japanese Knotweed claims.

What Is Japanese Knotweed?

Fallopia Japonica or Japanese Knotweed is an invasive plant with flat leaves and red stems. The plants can grow up to a height of four metres and spreads very fast. The roots will reach three metres deep in the soil and spread seven metres in all directions. If Japanese Knotweed spreads in your garden, you may find it difficult to remove it. Even if you leave a small piece of root in the garden, the plant will regrow very fast.The plant spreads fast, and its roots can break through concrete. Japanese Knotweed causes serious damage to the structure and drainage system of your property. You need to keep the growth of the plant under control to prevent such damage to the property. Japanese Knotweed becomes a big problem for homeowners because:

Our experts will help you claim because:

  • You can’t remove the plant easily once it spreads
  • Removing the plant is expensive
  • It reduces the resale value of your property
  • Japanese Knotweed damages the structure of your property
  • You will find it harder to sell your house with Japanese Knotweed in the garden

We have seen cases where surveyors have devalued properties because of the spreading of this plant. That’s why you need to work with a reputable and experienced expert in Ireland to claim compensation for Japanese Knotweed invading your property because of the negligence of your neighbour or another person.

What Does Japanese Knotweed Look Like?

Japanese Knotweed isn’t native to the Japanese KnotweedUnited Kingdom or Ireland. The plant came to the country in 1825 from Japan. The leaves are between 1-4 cm in length. They are dark and red. Young leaves are green with red veins in the middle. Mature leaves are green and heart-shaped and are 12 cm long. The stems look like bamboo. They become hollow when mature. The root of the plant has a brown exterior and golden interior. The plant blooms between August and September with white flowers. You need to identify the plant before making any claim for the spreading of Japanese Knotweed in your garden.

Japanese Knotweed Claims – What Are The Risks Of Japanese Knotweed?

If you have invested in a land with Japanese Knotweed, you are responsible for all liabilities associated with the spreading of the plant. If the plant spreads to neighbourhood properties, you are responsible for removing the plants and repairing the damage to the neighbourhood property. For example, in the case of Williams and another vs Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd in 2018, the Court of Appeal ruled that even without physical damage to the property, a landlord can claim compensation for private nuisance when Japanese Knotweed spreads to neighbourhood gardens. You should try to do everything possible to prevent the spreading of Japanese Knotweed in your garden as well as neighbourhood gardens. If not, you are responsible for paying compensation to your neighbours for the damages caused by the spreading of Japanese Knotweed. The Irish Claims Board can help you claim compensation for Japanese Knotweed invading your property because of the negligence of a neighbour or another person.

Selling Your Property With Japanese Knotweed

You may find it difficult to sell your land with Japanese Knotweed. Most lenders won’t take the risk of buying such land. You cannot conceal the fact of the presence of Japanese Knotweed on your property and sell it to an unsuspecting buyer. You are responsible for misrepresentation if you do so. Honesty is the best policy when selling your land. That’s why you need to get rid of this invasive plant before selling the property.If the plant is spreading on your property from someone else’s land, you can claim compensation for the negligence of the other person. You need to work with a reliable experts with extensive experience in representing clients for similar cases. The Irish Claims Board has a team of highly-skilled, educated, and experienced experts to represent your case. Contact us today to claim compensation for the damage done to your property due to Japanese Knotweed invading your property because of the negligence of another person.

Who Can Claim?

If Japanese Knotweed spreads on your property because your neighbour didn’t control the plant on their land, you can claim compensation against the neighbour. When you are buying property, the seller should tell you if there is a Japanese Knotweed issue. If not, you can claim compensation from the seller.

How Can You Help Me?

We at the Irish Claims Board, have extensive experience in handling Japanese Knotweed cases in Ireland (North & South). We have the expertise to help you bring a successful claim against your neighbour or another person responsible for the problem. Start the reclaiming process today.