Frequently Asked Questions

How long after an accident can you file a claim in Ireland?

A personal injuries claim may be filed if you are injured because of an accident or other event. However, you must file your claim for personal injury compensation within two years from the date of the accident or event.

How long does a personal injury claim take to go to court in Ireland?

The process of taking a personal injury claim through the Injuries Board can take some months. If it goes to court it will take longer than that. However, more than 80% of personal injury cases do not reach a court hearing, because they are settled first.

How long do you have to sue someone in Ireland?

A personal injuries claim must be commenced within 2 years (3 years in Northern Ireland). Other claims must generally be brought within 6 years.

How do I make a personal injury claim?
Follow these steps to making a personal injury claim, which cover everything you need to do in the event of an accident and how to seek compensation.
  1.  If injured, seek medical assistance.
  2. Gather evidence.
  3. Contact us for Assessment.
How long does claim money take to come through?

After accepting an offer of settlement for a personal injury claim you will usually receive your compensation money within 14-28 days from the date of settlement. However this timeframe is only a general guide, as how long it takes to receive your compensation can vary based on many factors.

How long should I wait for an insurance claim?

While insurers typically have a goal of settling and paying your claim within 30 days, it’s not a hard requirement. But chances are the insurance company will do their best to get your claim filed as soon as possible. 

How long can you claim whiplash?

How Long Do I Have To Make A Whiplash Claim? You have up to two years (three in Northern Ireland) since the date of the accident to make a claim. The only exception is if you’re claiming on behalf of a child. Children have up to two years from the date they turn 18 to claim (again three in Northern Ireland).

How long can you make a personal injury claim?

The general rule for adults who are considering making a claim for personal injury compensation is that you have two years from the date of the accident (three in Northern Ireland) or incident in which to bring a claim.

Is personal injury compensation taxable in Ireland?

Compensation awards and personal injuries actions are treated as capital rather than income for taxation purposes. The actual settlement or award sum received in a personal injury action is not subject to tax.

Should you accept first compensation offer?

Unless you have taken independent advice on the whole value of your claim, you should not accept a first offer from an insurance company.

What happens at a settlement meeting Ireland?

At this meeting you will meet with your solicitor and barrister to discuss your case and negotiations will then take place between your legal team and the legal team for the other side. An offer is generally made and you will be advised by your solicitor and barrister as to whether this is adequate.

How long does it take for an insurance company to pay out a claim in Ireland?

After accepting an offer of settlement for a personal injury claim you will usually receive your compensation money within 14-28 days from the date of settlement. However this timeframe is only a general guide, as how long it takes to receive your compensation can vary based on the below factors.

What is a Civil Bill/Writ/Plenary Summons in Ireland?

To commence proceedings, that is, to start a legal action, the plaintiff’s barrister prepares a Civil Bill/Plenary Summons/Writ. The purpose of this document is to state the case being made against the defendant.