Claim Types

There are many reasons why you may find yourself making a compensation claim at some point in your life. Usually, compensation claims are made when a person suffers injury or harm due to another person’s negligence or wrongful actions. If you are in a situation that you believe deserves to be pursued as a compensation claim, you should contact us.  The Irish Claims Board’s experts can run you through the types of compensation claims available and determine which area your claim falls under. Read to learn more about the most common types of compensation claims here.

Injury & Accident Claims

Road Traffic Accidents

Road accidents are one of the main causes of personal injury. The vast majority of road traffic accident claims involve vehicles collisions between two cars.

There are many other types of road traffic accident cases ranging from drivers and passengers in cars, bus passengers, motorcycle riders, cyclists and pedestrians. They cause a wide variety of injuries, from whiplash to life-threatening conditions.

Slips, Trips and Falling

Slips, trips and falls are quite prevalent and are most common in public and work places. The worst of these kind of accidents can prove to be fatal but they can also lead to head injuries, back injuries, fractures and in the worst cases, paralysis.

Accidents in Public

Depending on what kind of ‘space’ is being discussed can ultimately impact on who has responsibility for the accident. Essentially any premises that are erected and will allow the general public to make use of them will generally be deemed a ‘public space’, and the matter to be decided is to whom responsibility for the space lies with.

Accidents at Work

No matter what precautions are put in place, accidents at work can and do happen under varying circumstances. Injuries caused by these work accidents can range in severity from minor lacerations and sprains to broken bones, amputations, severe burns and sometimes sadly, even fatalities.

Medical Negligence

For most people with little or no knowledge of law, pursuing a medical or clinical negligence claim can seem like a daunting task. But with the right help and knowledge, you can ensure that you are making the best decisions for your future. Here are ten vital things you should know about medical negligence claims.

Property Damage

Subsidence and Heave

Subsidence & Heave is when part or all of a building begins to sink or rise into/from the ground, resulting in enormous strain being put on the building and the formation of cracks. This damages the structure and foundations of the building making it dangerous to live in and liable to further problems such as flooding, plumbing and electrical problems and roofing issues.Subsidence & Heave is a costly and time consuming problem, with early discovery and pro-active handling being the best defence.

Storm Damage

After some severe weather, you may notice leaks, breaks, and damage to your property. The damage can be anywhere from a broken window to your entire roof having lifted off.

Escape of Oil

Oil spill damage can occur for a long time before noticed. This oil can seep under your house and cause significant damage to your foundation / sub floors. Not only is it a danger as it can be combustable but it is an environmental hazard which must be cleaned up under law. You may notice an oil smell, oil patches, grass discolouration, oil smell / taste from water taps or of course a loss of oil in your tank.

Escape of Water

A water leak could be caused by any number of issues, but you might be surprised to learn that not every scenario will be accepted by your Insurer. Even if your home insurance policy includes water damage, it is unlikely that it covers all types of damages and may include a number of exceptions. With this in mind, it’s important to be prepared for a water leak to increase your chances of making a successful insurance claim.

Holiday & Flight Delays

Flight Delay and Cancellation

You’re legally entitled to get compensation if the delay is the airline’s responsibility and either: the replacement flight delays your arrival by 2 or more hours. your flight was cancelled less than 14 days before departure.

Accidents Abroad

Every year, thousands of people are injured in accidents while abroad. Thankfully, much like at home, there are usually laws in place to help people injured in accidents overseas. If you’ve been injured while abroad, whether for work or leisure, in an accident that wasn’t your fault, our experts could help you claim compensation.

Financial Claims

Mortgage Issues

We now know that more than 13,000 bank customers were incorrectly charged a wrong rate of interest on their tracker loans by the various banks. The Central bank reported in December 2017 that it had found “material deficiencies in certain lenders’ responses” which had required “robust and sustained” Central Bank intervention.

Breach of Contract

It is always important to have the right contract in place for any transaction. However, no matter how good the relationship between the parties or the preparation of the paperwork, sometimes you simply cannot stop a breach of contract by the other party in the agreement.

Debt Recovery

Are you trying to recover a debt from a debtor in Ireland (North or South)? Do you need the services of a debt collector based in Ireland? The trading culture and regulations in Ireland differ from those you are used to, which often makes debt collection in Ireland complicated.

Employment Issues


If you have experienced harassment, discrimination or bullying in the workplace then please speak to one of our friendly and helpful advisors at the Irish Claims Board to find out how you may be able to claim compensation for bullying at work you have experienced.

Unfair Dismissal

Losing your job can be an incredibly traumatic and stressful situation as you will have found yourself instantly without an income. The situation is even worse if you have suffered an unfair dismissal. Unfair dismissals can arise in a number of situations.