The Claims Process Explained

lf someone has suffered an injury and loss and believes they are entitled to compensation, they can submit a claim to the ICB for an assessment.  

During the COVID-19 emergency, we request that where at all possible people deal with us electronically using our online claim form.


Start the process in six clear steps

Step One

Fill out a claim application form online

Someone under 18 years needs to be represented by a ‘next friend’ who will make the claim on their behalf.

Step Two

Our panel of experts will review your submission and contact you on the merits of your claim and how to process it further.

Step Three

If the loss involves an injury, it may be necessary for a medical to be organised to assess the extent of your injuries. 

Step Four 

The respondent will be contacted and depending on their response it may be necessary for court proceedings to be commenced or an appropriate application as required by statute to be lodged.

Step Five

Either the court or the statutory body will assess the amount of compensation (monetary value of your claim).

Step Six

If claimant and respondent both accept the amount of compensation, the respondent issues settlement cheque.


Have more queries? See our Frequently Asked Questions