Child who hurt finger in Dublin city playground settles action for €37,500

27 July 2021

A child who hurt her finger as she played on a slide in a Dublin city playground has settled her High Court action for €37,500.

Ruby Murphy was aged three when the incident occurred at the public playground near Kylemore Park Ballyfermot, Dublin on March 7th, 2016.

Approving the settlement, Mr Justice Garrett Simons said the child had suffered a nasty injury to a finger on her left hand but the scarring is now not particularly noticeable.

Through her father Anthony Murphy, Ballyfermot Parade, Dublin, the child had sued Dublin City Council. Liability was denied.

In an affidavit, Mr Murphy said his daughter sustained a serious injury as a result of coming into contact with an alleged dangerous and defective part of the slide in the playground.

Significant laceration

When admitted to a hospital emergency department, she was found to have sustained a significant laceration to her little finger, he said

She had to have surgery and had to wear a splint for three weeks.

He said she has been left with scarring and it was the opinion of a plastic surgeon she had sustained a nasty crush laceration of her left little finger which had to be repaired under general anaesthetic.

In a recent examination, the child was found to have made an excellent recovery and was not expected to have functional problems in the future.

Mr Murphy said his daughter has been left with scars on her left finger but they are flat and pale in colour and she has full movement of the finger.

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