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Professional Negligence

Professional Negligence

Professional negligence is subject to the general principles of negligence. Professional negligence is negligence in the course of a professional service or advice.

Product Liability law in Ireland

Product Liability law in Ireland

A look at Product Liability law in Ireland and the potential avenues of redress in the event that there is a defect in a manufacturer’s product.

What Questions Should I Ask A Personal Injury Solicitor?

What Questions Should I Ask A Personal Injury Solicitor?

When making a personal injury claim, it is important that you feel comfortable with your Solicitor if you appoint one. Experience and transparency are important for ensuring that you understand the process and are successful. It is essential that you are confident in your Solicitor’s abilities.

Claims for a GDPR Breach

Claims for a GDPR Breach

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) brought about significant changes to the ways in which individuals can pursue civil claims for breach of their data protection rights. 

Solicitor Negligence

Solicitor Negligence

At one time a solicitor’s duty to his client was determined by the terms of the retainer, i.e. the contract between them.  However, it is now firmly established that a solicitor owes a duty of care in negligence both to his clients and also to third parties within the scope of the “neighbour” / proximity principle.

Are All Orders Created Equally?

Are All Orders Created Equally?

Consent orders in personal injury cases are a common occurrence. A consent order is an order made by the Court in terms that have been agreed by the parties to the proceedings and which are submitted to the Court for approval.