Boy Knocked off bicycle

Road and Guardrail

15 April 2011

A young boy who was knocked off his bicycle by a neighbour reversing her car out of her driveway has been awarded €87,000 damages at the High Court.

Cian Ryan (6), has been left with a limp and suffers recurring nightmares over the accident outside the home of his neighbour, Kishwar Shafqat, Foxborough Grove, Lucan, Dublin, on April 21st, 2009, the court heard.

Through his father Eric, Cian had brought proceedings against Ms Shafqat alleging negligence, including failure to keep a proper lookout. Liability was admitted and the case was before the court for assessment of damages.

The president of the High Court, Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns said he would award €87,000 damages. The judge, after hearing Cian was a Manchester United supporter, ordered a €1,000 payment out of the award to allow the child and his parents to attend an Old Trafford match.

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